AT&T Releases 300MB Update For Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 Plus

AT&T started pushing out its first software update for the Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy S8 Plus, The Android Soul reports, stating that the 5.8-inch smartphone on the wireless carrier’s network is receiving the firmware build G950USQU1AQD9, while its 6.2-inch counterpart is set to be updated with the build G955USQU1AQD9. The software package is being distributed as an over-the-air (OTA) update that AT&T is rolling out in stages, meaning the second largest mobile service provider in the United States will likely need at least a few days more before it manages to complete the rollout. The contents of the new update are currently unknown, though it’s likely that AT&T is distributing a new set of Android security patches to the Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy S8 Plus seeing how the patch that’s currently hitting devices on the company’s network is approximately 300MB in size.

Apart from a new Android Security Update, the latest software package for Samsung’s new flagship duo is expected to ship with code that disables the ability to remap the physical Bixby button to another action. Samsung already disabled the functionality on the unlocked variants of its high-end handsets, though all carrier-branded models will have to be updated separately. More details about AT&T’s new update for the Galaxy S8 lineup should follow shortly as the Dallas, Texas-based company is expected to officially announce the new software later this week. Users who still haven’t received the notification that’s prompting them to download the new update but are eager to do so can always try scanning for the latest software manually through the Settings app on their device.

AT&T started distributing the new update over the weekend, only a few hours after Verizon also released its first software package for the Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy S8 Plus. The latter added numerous features to the handsets, including the ability to use the physical Volume Up button to answer calls, so it’s possible that devices on AT&T’s network are now also receiving the same functionality. Other mobile service providers in the country are expected to start pushing out first software updates for the Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy S8 Plus in the coming days.