Honor has launched a new beta program today for U.S. consumers to test current and new products that they plan to launch into market in the future. The beta goes live today and anyone in the U.S. is able to apply for acceptance into the beta should they meet Honor’s requirements, which includes being an English-speaking U.S. citizen. That appears to be the only requirement mentioned by the beta program though Honor does state that consumers who are interested and apply will only be contacted if they qualify, so it’s likely that there are a few other elements that Honor is looking for in the applicants they choose to be a part of the program and participate in testing their products.
Honor doesn’t give any specifics or details in regards to what exactly will be tested, so there’s no information on what devices may be included in the program. Honor does mention that testing will include both hardware and software products though so those who are accepted will have the chance to test both, and they highlight that these products will be current products as well as future products which could be entering the market in a year or two, which suggests that the beta program has potential to stretch out over a particularly lengthy period.
Honor says they will be looking to match participants with opportunities, so they will probably be looking to find people specifically for certain products, which means that some users may not get to test the same things as others. One thing of note is that Honor did just officially announce the Honor 8 Pro which is scheduled to open for pre-order today, though it wasn’t mentioned whether or not it would be available in the U.S. at some point, so the beta program may not include this latest device from the company. It could however include the opportunity to test out the original Honor 8 which is already available in the U.S., and there is also a chance that no actual testing will be done in the immediate future as while the program has launched and Honor is now taking application submissions, the program hasn’t officially started yet as Honor hasn’t chosen any applicants.