The Moto G5 Plus Kernel Source Code Is Now Available

The Moto G5 Plus kernel source code is now available for developers to get their hands on as Motorola Mobility has just tossed it up on Github for anyone and everyone to access. While the kernel source code will really only be useful to developers and those who may know what to do with it as they tinker with their devices, it won’t be of much use to the average everyday user as the source code is meant for developers to have a tool to help them in a number of different ways in regards to the particular device that the kernel source code is for.

In this case, since it’s for the Moto G5 Plus, the kernel source code for it can be used by developers to create custom ROMs so that users will have something to flash to their device. This is one way that end users can actually make use of the source code even if they can’t actually do anything with it directly, as there are still plenty of users out there who enjoy installing custom firmware to their phones.

In addition to ROMs, the kernel source code can also be used by developers who already have apps on the Play Store and may want to optimize them in any way for use on the Moto G5 Plus. The kernel source code download files are available on Github in both a zip file and in a tar.gz file, so depending on which you prefer to work with, or if you simply want both, each has a link which automatically begins the download for the selected file once the link is clicked. Although each is essentially going to give developers access to the same data, each one varies in file size ever so slightly. The tar.gz file is a little bit lighter as it comes in at 129MB, while the zip file is 163MB in size which means it will take up just a little bit more space, even if not by much. If you’re someone who can make use of the kernel source code you can find the downloads at the buttons down below

Download The Moto G5 Plus Kernel Source Code (zip)Download The Moto G5 Plus Kernel Source Code (tar.gz)