Waze Begins Sending Beta Invites for Android Auto Integration

One of the most requested features for both Waze and Android Auto has been to integrate the two together. And it now appears that they are beginning that process. Some users are beginning to get invites for testing out the beta integration of Android Auto along with Waze. The email states that the beta will be happening soon, but there’s no firm date just yet. This means that it could start as soon as this week, or even later this year, or in 2018. Beta testers are being asked to join the beta test through a sign-up form that is linked in the email, there’s no word on whether there is a cap on the number of users that they are going to allow into the beta test or not, however.

Since Google bought Waze a few years ago, they have slowly been integrating some of its key features into Google Maps, but has kept Waze as its own separate app, and even has launched their own car-pooling service with Waze in San Francisco. Waze became popular because it’s good at letting people know when there are slowdowns in traffic so that they can avoid them, as well as avoiding speed traps and accidents. Many have opted to use Waze over Google Maps, which is a bit interesting, to be honest. Many have been asking for this integration and now it appears to be happening, at least soon.

There’s been plenty of signs regarding Waze integration already, including an option that appeared in Android Auto to change the navigation app that you are using. Similar to the music app in Android Auto. This was something that was not possible before (and currently still isn’t), with Google Maps being the only option currently, for navigation.  Android Auto’s main complaint has been the fact that you are stuck with Google Maps, which isn’t really a bad thing, but some people do prefer another mapping and navigation app like HERE Maps or Waze. So having the choice of which app to use is going to be a pretty big deal for users. You can sign up using the link below.

Sign Up for Waze Android Auto Beta