Google Confirms New Android TV Interface Is Coming

As part of Google I/O 2017, Google touched upon Android TV. Specifically, Google announced that Android TV is getting a revitalized interface. According to Google, the changes will look to offer an experience which is more “channel-based” and “content-first.” In other words, the interface changes are designed to ensure that content can be much more easily found and in a much quicker time-frame. From the image above, it does certainly seem as though preferences will be given to some apps (presumably the ones Android TV device owners use the most), with other apps being pushed further back into the system. On that note, while the interface is designed to be more TV-like, it also seems to be adopting a more Android mobile device-like interface. At the moment, it remains to be seen how customizable the interface (namely the home screen – leanback launcher) will be.

While the details on Android TV were a little limited, compared to some of the other Android-related aspects that were touched upon, Google did make a note of explaining that Android TV is expanding at a decent rate. In fact, Google confirmed that as many as one million new Android TV device activations are taking place every two months. With Google further going on to explain that the number of Android TV users has essentially doubled since last year.

One aspect which was expected to be announced during this year’s I/O event was the activation of Google Assistant on Android TV devices. On that note, Google did bring the topic up, although the details were again a little limited. With Google simply noting that Google Assistant compatibility will be switched on during the summer. This was a feature which was originally announced in January, and so while the expectation was that it might go live today, it is not. In the meantime though, those interested in taking a closer look at how the new interface will look and work, can do so in the image below. Which not only highlights the new interface, but also the Google Assistant compatibility, and how the two will look and worth in tandem.