Popular instant messaging (IM) app Telegram received a new update that started rolling out on the Google Play Store on Thursday, its developers announced, suggesting that the version 4.0 should be available for download in all parts of the world by the end of the day. Like its build number suggests, the new update for Telegram is a relatively major one and ships with a number of new features that should ennoble the user experience of the app in a significant way. The first notable functionality introduced with the new update is support for video messages, something that many Telegram users have been requesting for a while now. The feature works similarly to voice messages, except for the fact that it’s activated by holding the camera icon instead of the mic shortcut. In an effort to not clutter the existing user interface of the app, Telegram developers decided to make the camera icon accessible by tapping the microphone icon, which will prompt a switch between the two. Holding the newly emerged shortcut will start recording a video message and letting it go will end the recording and automatically send it to your recipient. Alternatively, users are able to start recording a video message by swiping the camera icon and the same functionality now also works for recording voice messages with the mic shortcut.
All of the video messages recorded by Telegram are compressed in an effort to save mobile data and dispatch their contents more quickly, while the app itself will automatically download and play all recordings you receive. Just like with voice messages, this behavior can be switched off in the Settings menu of Telegram. Another significant addition to the app is its newly introduced support for Bot Payments that will allow users to make online purchases through in-app bots that accept credit cards. Finally, Telegram now also features Telescope, a video platform that doesn’t require a Telegram account and can publicly host recordings.
Refer to the gallery below to see how some of the new Telegram functionalities work in practice or follow the Google Play Store link beneath this writing to download the latest version of the popular communications app.