Team Flow's 'Run Or Die' Makes The Jump To Android

Team Flow’s Run or Die has made the jump to Android mobile devices, giving existing fans and newcomers alike the chance to experience the wonders and excitement of the game on the go. Previously available to gamers on Steam for the PC platform, Run or Die is an endless runner style of game which fuses both retro graphics and visuals with a bit of anime-infused art style that truly makes this feel like a game you’d have been playing years ago on Nintendo’s SNES Console. It’s available in the Play Store as of now and can be picked up for $0.99 if you’re in need of something new to play.

As mentioned above Run or Die is an endless runner style of game, but you have more than just a single mode where you run and run forever until you’re beaten by the level due to your own misguided judgement that it was either safe to jump or attempt to dodge that upcoming obstacle. There are actually multiple modes to play through, including endless mode, a challenge mode, a training mode, and daily runs which will change based on the day where you play the exact same run as other players and compete for the top score.

Controls are touch-based but Team Flow boasts that they’re tightly optimized meaning that controls should feel nice and smooth as you play. There are tons of maps to play through, over 170 in all, which means you should have plenty to keep you busy here. There are also multiple heroes to play as though you won’t have access to all of them from the beginning, and you’ll have a collection of different abilities to use throughout the game that can help you get further, such as a leap, dash, ion, EMP, and a dive, all of which will have their own unique benefits depending on what obstacles are in your way. The game features a day and night cycle too, which helps to immerse the player in the game a little bit, and the audio does a decent job of playing to the gamer’s nostalgic side of things. If you’re interested in checking out Run or Die, you can pick it up by hitting the button below.