Google Uses Machine Learning To Improve Google Forms

Google is using machine learning to improve Google Forms in a bid to make the tool smarter and easier to use so that people have to be less hands-on with it, while also saving them more time so they can be more efficient and devote time to other equally or perhaps more important tasks. As part of the update to Google Forms, one of the improvements included is intelligent response validation, and from time to time (whenever it’s possible to do so) Google Forms will make a suggestion to users to validate a response that was issued by the person filling out a Google Form based on the questions that are asked by the form’s creator. Google does note however that suggestions for validation won’t be there for every single response.

Also in the presence of saving time for users, Google Forms will now allow you to set up pre-configured preferences for future forms that you create so you don’t have to choose certain elements each time you set up a new form, such as the option for always collecting email addresses or making questions required. Another new change is cross-file sharing support. Now with the latest version of Google Forms, any time you send out a form to someone, if that establishment or person allows cross-file sharing via Google Drive, they’ll be able to upload any relevant files to act in place of a standard response. Google has set limits on the file uploads, which starts at just 1GB, but there’s also an option to increase the limit to 1TB if it’s needed. Google doesn’t mention what a cost would be for this increase but it’s likely that there is an associated cost similar to the way Google charges for increases in storage amounts on Google Drive.

If you’ve ever used a Google Form before or if you’ve ever used anything similar, you may already know that sometimes those filling out forms may need more than one option to complete a response. In this case, Google Forms is getting a new Checkbox Grid option which was designed to allow users to fill out the response with all the options that would apply to them. So, when creating a new Form, if you want to provide the recipients with the ability to select multiple options for a single question, the Checkbox Grid would be the one to pick. The last new improvement that Google made relates to Section Reordering. This last option works just as the name suggests, and lets you reorder an entire section of questions if you have the need to do so. Google says this update to Google Forms is happening on both the rapid release and the scheduled release tracks, and that it will take around one to three days before people are able to make use of the new changes.