Huawei To Develop A.I. Chip To Power Smart Devices

Huawei is reportedly developing an A.I.-based chip to power future smart devices. Huawei’s CEO, Yu Chengdong, doesn’t mention when the processor will be ready to ship to its partners for development of A.I.-powered devices, but did state it will be available at “an appropriate time,” which could signify that a launch of this processor is still quite a ways out as research and development is currently underway. With Huawei now setting its sights on processors built specifically for use with devices that are powered by artificial intelligence, the company is following in the footsteps of competitors which are already developing this type of technology, as both Qualcomm and MediaTek  have previously ventured into this particular sector of the market.

Since Huawei is currently studying the development process for an AI chip there’s no information just yet on what sorts of devices will use it, but given the scope of A.I.-assisted device these days, products which Huawei could integrate the chip into could range from mobile devices like smartphones and tablets to smart home devices that stay connected to the internet at all times, such as A.I.-based assistants, smart lights, smart thermostats and more, though no products have been mentioned specifically.

In addition to Huawei working on its own in-house A.I. processor the company is also reportedly working on a cloud services business that would afford its customers the opportunity to store any and all data if they so choose should they end up in the unfortunate scenario of losing all of their data on a physical drive. For example, should a user lose their smartphone or if it ends up being stolen, this cloud services platform would allow users to recover any lost or stolen data so long as it was backed up in the first place. While Huawei hasn’t mentioned any plans to develop its own smart devices for use with this chip, it has reportedly expressed plans to provide the chip to other companies to use for their own products, so essentially Huawei may not be making its own A.I.-powered smart devices, but rather manufacturing the processors that would be needed to power their computing.