HTC ships the so-called ‘TouchPal’ keyboard on its devices, and has been doing so for a few years now, well, that keyboard actually started showing ads for users who are using the HTC 10, and quite probably other HTC-branded smartphones. It did not take HTC long to respond to such issues, however, which is commendable. HTC actually said that an error is to blame for this, the company said that pushing ads is definitely not something they intended, and that the company’s staff is working hard to fix such issues for consumers.
HTC basically said that such issues are popping up for ‘some HTC customers’, the company did not specify which devices is it affecting, but we’re presuming that the HTC 10 is not the only one. TouchPal is actually a well-known keyboard for Android, it has been around for ages, and it is available through the Google Play Store. This keyboard is highly customizable, and it comes in both free and paid versions, though ads should not be popping up on HTC’s smartphones, that’s for sure. HTC did react fast, so those of you who are affected by such issues, probably won’t be for long. A screenshot which is included below this article will give you a clear look of what’s the problem here, ads have been popping up right above the TouchPal keyboard that comes pre-installed on HTC’s smartphones, and that’s probably quite frustrating for users, that’s for sure.
The vast majority of other OEMs do not have to worry about anything of the sort, as most of them actually ship their very own keyboard on their devices, or are using Google’s solution, it all depends on what company are we talking about here. Interestingly enough, the HTC U11 was not mentioned by users when it comes to such ads, so it is possible that this problem is limited to only some HTC-branded smartphones. We still do not know how is HTC planning to fix this issues, but chances are it will not require you to update the device or anything of the sort, it will probably be just a server-side fix by HTC or TouchPal, whoever is controlling that keyboard on HTC’s phones.