YouTube TV App Update Adds Bottom Navigation Bar

The YouTube TV app for Android is now in the process of receiving an update. The new version (1.04.9) is now available to download from the Google Play Store and should be en route to devices which already have the app installed. However, in terms of the update, barring one specific feature, it does not look as though there is a huge amount of change included.

The one exception is that the new version now includes a bottom-positioned navigation bar. This is an aspect which has become fairly prevalent in Google-related apps and especially those that are part of the YouTube family. So in the shortest of terms, this update simply brings the YouTube TV app more in line with the likes of the standard YouTube app and YouTube Music. In either case, following the update, the previously top-positioned tabs (Library, Home, and Live) will all now appear at the bottom of the display. Likewise, the new layout also sees the inclusion of an icon for each tab category. The knock-on effect of this change is that the top action bar is now more condensed, and the most showcased content is now pushed up a little higher.

Of course, with the availability of YouTube TV still being as limited as it is, not everyone will be able to see or make use of this update. While the app is available to download from the Google Play Store and on most Android devices, users are not actually able to use the app unless they happen to live in one of the very select areas that YouTube TV is currently active in. Which at the moment, is largely resigned to Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, and the San Francisco Bay Area. Anyone else trying to install the app and progress through the setup will simply be presented with the option to be notified when the service becomes available in their area. Although YouTube did recently announce that YouTube TV availability is due to be expanded soon, as it is set to become available in ten more areas, including Atlanta, Charlotte, Dallas-Fort Worth, Detroit, Houston, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Miami-Fort Lauderdale, Orlando-Daytona Beach-Melbourne, Phoenix, and Washington, D.C.