Communications Company CM Joins Google's RCS Initiative

CM, a communications and mobile services company that has been around since 1999, has joined in on Google’s worldwide push to popularize the Rich Communication Service platform. CM’s specialty is an all-in-one business messaging platform that allows business customers to unify communications, media, and other facets of operational exchange, but the mobile aspect of that platform is currently run on CM’s own CM Telecom network. Joining forces with Google will allow CM to further simplify and unify its platform by using the same app and same backend for most types of communication, allowing users to send and receive complex communications with less resource usage and overhead.

Once the transition takes place, CM will be able to offer an RCS-based product for business messaging that allows full platform unification through integration into CM’s full-service, non-mobile stack. Customers will be able to access the new RCS-based platform from anywhere and on any device, and it will offer a much wider range of communication options with less resource usage than most data-based alternatives. Working with Google to integrate RCS into CM’s normal messaging platform also gives the company a chance to bond with Google, and get experience and mentoring in creating and implementing an RCS platform from the creator of the format.

RCS is a successor to SMS and MMS that integrates many features normally found in chat apps, and optimizes them for the smallest resource usage possible while also bringing them under one easily integrated roof, so to speak. RCS can not only do traditional text messages for more than SMS’s 160 characters, but it can send images and files up to 10MB in size with far less overhead than MMS, is capable of using video chat, and includes bonus features like read receipts. The standard even allows for the sharing of media, files, location, and other rich data while in a voice call, making it a seamless solution for collaboration on multiple fronts. RCS has been gaining popularity in recent months as Google moves to spread it out from its Android Messages app and work with partners to see it integrated into a number of communication options in diverse market segments.