Adaptive Icons are on their way to Action Launcher for use on any device running Lollipop or higher thanks to a new add-on application just released by the company. The app is called “AdaptivePack – Pixel + Oreo style Adaptive Icons” and can be accessed through the button below, but prospective users should be aware that it isn’t free. It is on sale, however, for 30 percent off in some regions as of this writing. That brings the cost down to $3.49 from its usual $4.99 price tag, but that sale is currently set to end in just hours. The only other caveat is that users will currently need Action Launcher in order to use the feature.
For those who don’t already know, adaptive icons are a system-level change coming with Android 8.0 (Oreo) that allows icons to be adjusted to fit in with other icons consistently, without needing to be completely rethemed. Better still, Google has even discussed the possibility of adding animations to icons in the future. Action Launcher is not the first developer or third-party launcher to incorporate similar features, but the app’s description does claim that their add-on will adapt even more icons than usual for users that already have access to Android Oreo. As to which shapes users can choose from to match their theme, those currently include circle, square, rounded square, teardrop, and squircle. Since the icon pack is intended to tweak icons that already exist on a given device, instead of containing newly rendered icons for every application, the app download file was able to be kept at around 6 MB. Beyond that, as of this writing, AdaptivePack already supports more than “500 of the most popular” icons supported and those are searchable by app category, name, or developer. More will almost certainly be added in the future, as well, as more developers work to include all applicable aspects of Oreo’s APIs and standards into their applications.
Aside from all of those features, there is also a good chance the icon pack will work with other third-party launchers in the future. That’s according to a FAQ, which is linked to in the app’s description, which explicitly says it is open to working on getting AdaptivePack working on other launchers. Better still, Action Launcher is planning to open up its methods for icon pack developers so that other icon packs can take advantage the adaptive features it has developed.