It seems Bill Gates now uses an Android smartphone. At least that is the message Gates relayed in a recent interview on Fox News. As part of the interview, Gates was specifically asked what he thought of the new iPhone along with what phone he currently uses. A question which Gates replied by confirming that he uses an Android phone. As part of the response, Gates made the passing comment that he has only ‘recently switched’ over to using an Android phone, leading to the assumption that it was a Windows Phone that Gates switched to Android from.
Chris Wallace, the host of Fox News Sunday, was quick to pick up on the brief Android reference and followed up by asking Gates “so no iPhone?” To which Gates answers with an equally brief reply “no, no iPhone.” Besides the obvious Microsoft-related nature of the Windows Phone, if Gates is not keen on using an iPhone, then there is much else left to consider. Like Windows Phone, BlackBerry OS has lost considerable market share over the last few years to Android and iOS and more recently BlackBerry as a smartphone brand has also migrated over to being an Android phone brand. So it stands to reason that in light of the adoption rates of Windows Phone, Gates has finally ‘made the switch’ to Android.
In spite of confirming the use of an Android phone, Gates did not actually state which Android phone he uses. Although Gates was very quick to point out that the phone does come loaded with a lot of Microsoft software. Which is something that has become more frequent of late in the Android world, as not only has Microsoft been bringing more of its apps and services over to the Android ecosystem, but the company also has been agreeing terms with a number of companies, including Samsung, to pre-load various Microsoft apps and services on their Android phones and tablets. With Samsung being one of the most headline-noted companies to strike such a deal with Microsoft, and due to their general dominance of the high-end side of the Android phone market, it might not be too much of a stretch of the imagination to assume it is a Samsung Android phone that Gates now uses.