Google Chromium team member Jay H. Lee announced on the Chromium development bug tracker that a minor update is being pushed out for Chrome OS devices, which should take care of the enrollment bug that many Chromebook users have been noticing lately. The fix comes as update build number 9592.96.0, part of Chromium build number 60.0.3112.114, and the Googler confirmed that the Chrome build in the new update is mostly the same as the previous one, just with a patch implemented that should fix the enrollment issue. He specified that any machines that had been rolled back or pinned on an older Chrome OS version to avoid the bug would have to unpin in order to receive this update, and asked that anybody who takes the update and still sees the bug post up a log file.
The fix has not been out all that long, and is still rolling out to users. Over on the Chromium code review, a few contributors seem to be trying to build with the new update as of this writing, but nobody has yet written in to say that the bug is still present. While a confirmation that the fix worked should hopefully come soon, the fact that nobody has said the bug is still present could certainly mean that the patch is working; great news for Chromebook administrators everywhere, due to the extremely disruptive nature of the bug’s affect on workflow and access privileges.
The enrollment bug in question is a simple one, but rather nasty in that it undoes Chromebooks’ enrollment statuses under administrators. This means that a work Chromebook full of important files is suddenly without access to the company server, a Chromebook full of classified information with server-side security controls will suddenly yield its contents to anybody who opens it, and a school Chromebook is suddenly out of sync with the lesson plan and unable to access school-hosted digital class materials, among other potential pitfalls. The bug arose in the newest update of Chrome OS, so people have been pinning their Chrome OS version before the update comes, or simply rolling back to an older version in order to avoid the problem.