Google Outs Social Awareness VR Initiative 'Daydream Impact'

Google on Wednesday launched Daydream Impact, a new initiative aimed at helping people and organizations raise social awareness about various issues around the world using the company’s virtual reality technologies. The program is seeking to resolve three main issues: a lack of filming equipment, insufficient technical knowledge, and unfamiliarity with historical applications of VR which could help inspire content creators to come up with new use cases for the technology in order to achieve their goals. The first step in Daydream Impact’s endeavor comes in the form of a Coursera-hosted course on VR and 360 video production which can be accessed free of charge by referring to the banner below. Google’s training is described as comprehensive in nature, covering everything from equipment requirements and pre-production to principal photography and post-production.

The Mountain View, California-based firm is also starting a new loaner program as part of the initiative and will lend equipment to eligible changemakers seeking to take advantage of Daydream Impact. The equipment bundles contain the new Daydream View headset, one unspecified Daydream-enabled Android smartphone, a Jump Camera, and a Google Expeditions kit. The equipment will be lent to eligible applicants for a period of six months and Google is accepting applications as of today, with the process of requesting an equipment loan from the company being as simple as filling out a short online form that can be accessed by referring to the banner below. The six-month loan period encompasses the entire project, with grantees being expected to execute their creative visions and present a final product upon its expiry. Much like the training course, the program is entirely free, Google confirmed, adding that all applications must be sent to the company by December 17th.

The Alphabet-owned tech giant said it opted to launch Daydream Impact in order to support various changemakers who don’t have access to its technical resources and know-how related to VR but understand the potential this emerging technology has to change the world for the better. Google already enlisted the help of some organizations that agreed to showcase the capabilities of Daydream Impact and participate in the initiative themselves, with its new partners including the likes of Springbok Cares and Harmony Labs.

Google's Free VR & 360 Video Production CourseApply For A Daydream Impact Equipment Loan