Pokemon GO Travel Show Launches With Global Challenge

Niantic has announced a new YouTube show called Pokemon GO Travel, and it has announced that the series will be starting with some viewer involvement in the form of a global catching challenge, with worldwide rewards at stake. The show’s first few episodes will consist of trainers IHasCupquake, Coisa de Nerd, and Rachel Quirico heading to Japan for a Pokemon journey from Mount Fuji all the way to Tottoro, where they’ll not only catch and train local Pokemon, but take in the sights and culture. While all of this is going on, mobile gamers and Pokemon trainers around the world will be working overtime to catch tons of Pokemon for special rewards that will be issued at the end of the event. It will all culminate in a special rewards.

From now until November 26, trainers can catch 500 million Pokemon worldwide to see more different Pokemon globally on a permanent basis, as well as a limited slot of double XP and six hours of lure modules everywhere. If the world collectively reaches 1.5 billion Pokemon caught, even more Pokemon will appear, and the reward package includes double stardust. Finally, catching 3 billion Pokemon will make Farfetch’d available to catch worldwide for 48 hours, while Kangaskhan will appear in East Asia during that period. Niantic also put out a new call to action for global PokeFans to take to social media; anybody having a Pokemon GO experience abroad is encouraged to share it with the hashtag #PokemonGOtravel.

Niantic is no stranger to global Pokemon GO events, but this is the first one that’s centered around trainers who are having an experience with the game outside of their homeland. While previous events had finales or main events that culminate in one location and require trainers to travel in order to participate, trainers who happen to live in those areas are just as welcome. Such was the case in Chicago, as well as in Yokohama, among other event conclusion and climax sites. For this event, the focus is worldwide, and the show itself will follow three trainers who aren’t from Japan going on a short Pokemon journey in the land of the rising sun.