As of December 4, a proposal submitted by Huawei to the IEEE P2413 Work Group has now been added to the IEEE P2413 standards. That’s according to a statement released via the company’s official blog. What that means is that Huawei has successfully added new text to the standards themselves, which serve as a standardizing groundwork for the architectural framework of the Internet of Things (IoT). The proposal itself was comprised of comments on categories of Device Management, Connection Management, Application Enablement of IoT Platforms, and Big Data Analysis.
The text was considered as part of a meeting in Shenzhen between delegates representing global technology organizations, including Huawei, IoTecha, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Kaspersky, Deutsche Telekom, Hitachi, and the IEEE itself. It also included input from two IEEE P2413 partner organizations, including IEEE P42010 and Industrial Value Chain Initiative (IVI). Accepted submissions will be used to enhance the next version of the IEEE P2413 Standard. As an end-to-end provider of physical to digital solutions and a founder of the IEEE P2413, Huawei’s involvement pertained directly to the standards of Smart Cities and edge computing. The end goal of the meeting and any subsequent changes is to prevent fragmentation from becoming a problem as city infrastructure and the wealth of incoming IoT devices continue to move more into the mainstream. Specifically, the standards will help maintain cross-domain interaction, system interoperability, and functional compatibility, in order to maintain growth in the IoT sector of the market – effectively allowing IoT systems to interact across the board, as long as the implementations adhere to the appropriate standards. Meanwhile, the meeting also resulted in agreement on a proposed OPC-UA framework document, while both Huawei and Deutsche Telekom are expected to submit further documents describing the framework of oneM2M. Further comments from the Industrial Internet Consortium and others are expected to follow the new additions.
Aside from the implementations of changes to the standards brought by Huawei, the company says that it offered meeting participants the chance to view a range of solutions at its headquarters – which is also located in Shenzhen. Those solutions are said to have included Smart Cities, Safe Cities, Smart Government, Smart Education, Smart Transportation, Smart Energy, Smart Finance, and Smart Manufacturing and Media.