MU Origin has been updated to 2.1, and it includes a raised level cap, a brand new PvP mode, and holiday features to celebrate Christmas. You can now level up to 12 Rebirth level 100, and with it comes an increase to the number of floors in Endless Tower. Floors 121-130 can only be accessed if you’ve hit the new level cap. Another highlight of this update is an exciting new PvP format that allows up to 40 players to duke it out as they strive to destroy each other’s base. You have to be at least 6 Rebirth to enter.
Wrapping things up is a Tarot Card system that provides you with up to six new equippable perks, a Costume Wardrobe that helps you keep track of your various outfits, and a two versus two Companion Arena. You can also send blessings to your Companion for various rewards. Oh, and it’s Christmas so you can expect a brand new Santa outfit and a new pet, aptly-titled Snow. Wait, you haven’t heard of MU Origin? It’s a mobile MMORPG that serves as a portable reimagining of the PC franchise.
What sets MU Origin apart from others in the genre, is how heavily it borrows from action RPGs like Diablo. There’s a serious focus on action and ridiculously over the top skills. But the gameplay is an MMORPG as you know and love them. Grind to level up, complete quests, and get new gear to both look awesome and perform better in combat. MU Origin and the massive new 2.1 update is out right now on Google Play and the App Store. The latest MU Origin trailer has been released today, and what the newest update includes is now explained in video form on the official WEBZEN YouTube channel, as you can see below.