Plex Debuts Plexamp Player Alongside New Plex Labs Page

Plex has debuted its new Plexamp media player for the desktop alongside the new Plex Labs section of its website, which is going to be a place for all kinds of projects that Plex either wants to integrate into the offerings it already has out there for users, or completely new tools that are separate from the Plex Media Server and Plex apps. Plexamp, in fact, is just such a tool. It’s a new media player app that users will have access to that has some really cool features and as Plex notes its design was inspired by Winamp, which was a really popular media player on Windows machines for the longest time due to its customization options.

Plex will likely add more and more features to Plexamp over time, but for starters it offers things like gapless playback, soft transitions and a global activation hotkey. The global activation hotkey is a ways for users to find music that they’re looking for faster, and all users have to do is hit the cmd, shift, and space keys simultaneously to bring up the hotkey activation. Simple and straightforward.

As for the soft transitions this is something that music lovers will really appreciate. It’s geared towards stopping and resuming playback. So for example, if you hit the pause button on Plexamp to stop playback of a track for a little bit, when you hit the play button again music will fade in softly before resuming back to full volume. It does the same thing when stopping as the audio will fade out so it doesn’t just stop right then and there. This should provide exit and entry for playback that is a lot nicer than what many are used, and especially if you’re someone who likes to crank the volume up when you play music, with Plexamp’s soft transitions you won’t have to worry about being shocked by the high volume as soon as you click the play button again. Of course, Plex didn’t forget about the visual aspects of the whole thing which is why it also included some visualizers to make things pretty and entertaining to watch, which is another thing that you would have gotten with Winamp so it’s likely nice for fans to see these included.