Sickweather Is A Tracking & Advice App For Common Illnesses

Staying healthy during flu season can be a real struggle but, thankfully, an Android application called Sickweather may be able to help users do just that. That’s because the primary purpose of the application is to provide users with real-time information about what illnesses are going around in their respective area. That, of course, comes with the caveat that it will reduce battery life because of its use of GPS and Location permissions, for those users who want to stay up to date on a regular basis. However, a recently released update to the application has added several new features that may make that particular caveat worth it for some users. The application is free to download and has no in-app purchases either, though some services included do cost money. With that said, it may just be a must-download for anybody looking for that extra edge in avoiding getting sick and anybody interested will want to click on the Google Play Store button below.

As to how Sickweather works, the application itself is fairly straightforward – which is especially true since the update is said to have made the app more intuitive and easy to use. After zeroing in on a user’s location, the app will provide updates on 23 illnesses in that user’s area – including Flu, Norovirus, Pink Eye, Whooping Cough, and others. That information is, unfortunately, crowdsourced from both social media and the app itself. That means it will only work as well as the number of users who are actively taking part in reporting illnesses within a given area and may not work as accurately in some regions. Bearing that in mind, the app will then alert the user with notifications for illnesses that are spreading within a region or when the user enters an area where illnesses have recently been reported. Trends are also mapped out, with color coding to indicate the lifecycle of a given outbreak. Viral lifecycles tend to vary, so that can be helpful information to have. There is even a SickScore widget included, allowing users to see the rating of their immediate vicinity at a glance.

Meanwhile, new features of the application include a redesigned U.I. to make the application easier to navigate and to bring key features to the forefront. That includes a brand new feature that allows users to get in touch with a doctor via a button if they do happen to come down with something. It’s a service provided through WellVia Solutions, which is a tele-health company. That means it does cost money, but users are offered a 10-percent discount for accessing the service through the application. Going further still, Sickweather has added support for Bluetooth thermometers, so users can keep track of trends in their temperature over time – in addition to the already prominent symptom tracking tools. Finally, the company has partnered with Krames StayWell in order to provide users with more information and details about the illnesses the application tracks and the associated symptoms than many other apps. That has also allowed for the inclusion of up-to-date detailed information about causes of various illnesses, when a user should seek medical attention, and how those are treated.