You Can Now Create Snapchat AR Lenses With Snap's Lens Studio

Snap is looking to significantly increase the number of ‘World Lenses’ on offer through Snapchat by making a tool available that allows everyone to create their own. The new tool is Lens Studio and is essentially a developer tool which can be download for use on a Windows PC or Mac. For those new to World Lenses, these are filters for use in Snapchat, albeit ones which come in an augmented reality form, where the filter can be applied over the camera feed to create an augmented reality effect.

While this is essentially a tool that anyone can use, it is not necessarily going to be one that everyone does use. As while it is open, it is one which seems to be more aimed at those with at least some basic prior experience in this sort of thing. Although Lens Studio does come equipped with various guides and additional tools (such as 2D and 3D design templates) that are designed to make the process easier to digest and navigate. Which should be of benefit to students as well as those with limited prior modelling experience looking to get more involved with Snapchat aspect creation. Where this is likely to prove highly popular and beneficial though, is for companies, brands, and developers in general. As they will be able to hit the road running with Lens Studio and create Lenses that are as custom and customer-focused as needed. Which inevitably is likely to be one of the fundamental reasons Snap has made the tool available in the first place. As this will likely provide advertisers and brands with an additional and beneficial means to get their message out, and/or advertise their products and services.

Speaking of which, one of the other benefits of Lens Studio is that creators will be able to share their World Lenses fairly easily. Once Lenses are finished, the software will generate a Snapcode that can be used by others to access the finished product – by scanning the QR code. For those looking to get involved with creating their own augmented reality-based World Lenses for Snapchat, Lens Studio is now available to download. Below, is a short video Snap released today showcasing Lens Studio and what it can do.

Download Lens Studio