T-Mobile Takes 5/6 OpenSignal's Network Awards For Jan. 2018

T-Mobile took five out of six awards given as part of OpenSignal‘s State of Mobile Networks report covering the wireless performance of the four national carriers in the United States in January. The Bellevue, Washington-based telecom giant was found to be offering the best 3G, 4G, and overall download speeds, lowest 3G latency, and the widest 4G availability. The final award was given to AT&T who was determined to be delivering the lowest 4G latency this month. While the overall state of wireless speeds in the U.S. still isn’t impressive in the context of the rest of the world, according to the same company, T-Mobile can still consider the latest report as a major win and already did so, with the company now boasting about the study’s findings on all relevant social networks since Monday morning EST.

OpenSignal previously found Verizon and AT&T’s 4G speeds started falling since last February after the two largest mobile service providers in the country revived their wireless plans to address T-Mobile’s decision to do the same. Both have now been found to be recovering from that episode and Verizon managed to reverse the declining trend, having posted average 4G download speeds of 17.77Mbps in January. T-Mobile is still leading the segment with speeds averaging at 19.42Mbps over the same period. AT&T managed to beat T-Mobile in context of LTE latency, with its 4G network having an average ping time of 58.3ms, 1.44ms lower than that of its closest rival in the field. Both Sprint and Verizon’s networks were found to be much slower to respond, taking over 69ms to do so on average.

While Sprint’s performance didn’t warrant any awards, the Overland Park, Kansas-based wireless carrier improved its metrics across the board, most notably in regards to its average 4G speeds which quadrupled over the last 12 months and now amount to 12Mbps. Its availability also rose by nine percent during the same period as it now covers more than 85.66 percent of potential use cases. Both T-Mobile and Verizon’s scored well over 90 percent in the same segment. Unlike many other industry trackers, OpenSignal doesn’t measure geographic coverage but the percentage of time subscribers have access to a 4G LTE network, which the firm claims is a much more accurate technique for determining practical 4G coverage. Refer to the gallery below for a more in-depth look at OpenSignal’s latest findings.

OpenSignal's January 2018 Report