Android Auto Support Comes To Lamborghini Aventador

Android Auto support has come to the Lamborghini Aventador, the newest and also most expensive car on the market which comes with integration for Google’s in-car operating system. To be clear, this is only available at the moment for the 2018 model of the Aventador so right now there are no other vehicles in Lamborghini’s lineup that support the platform, but it is coming to more models in the future. Included in that future support will be three additional vehicles, which are the 2016 model of the Centenario, the 2019 model of the Huracan, and the 2019 model of the Urus, which is Lamborghini’s recently announced super SUV.

Android Auto is already in a wide variety of vehicles and has been for the last couple of years at least, coming from brands like Hyundai, Chevy, Acura, Alfa Romeo and many more. That said, it’s also available in third-party head units from companies like Pioneer, so even if you don’t have a car which has the Android Auto integration built-in to the stock in-car dash system, it’s just as easy to have it installed through a the use of a third-party head unit, and that essentially makes it compatible with any vehicle as long as you have that.

For those that have Android Auto already, or are planning to look at vehicles that have it or will have it, Google Assistant is on its way if it hasn’t already arrived as some vehicles have been updated to include it, such as the Hyundai Sonata 2016 models. This makes it much easier to control certain Android-Auto related functions through voice, and it makes things like sending messages and initiating voice calls a whole lot more efficient and easier than before it was starting to roll out. Lamborghini says the support will come to the above-mentioned new models in the future but it does not mention any exact dates, rather it just says the support will be coming soon, which could be within the next month or it could be further out, Likely, it’ll be out whenever those 2019 models are available to purchase, which might not be till later on in the year.