Certified Fresh Ratings & More Added To Play Movies v4.2

Rotten Tomatoes Certified Fresh ratings and more been added to Google Play Movies version 4.2, the latest version of the app to start making the rounds on Android devices over the last few days to a week or so. The addition of these changes serves two purposes, one of which is to help inform the viewer of overall ratings from professional and non-professional critics alike on movies and TV shows, this way the viewer is able to make a more informed decision with taking into account what other people thought of the content. Rotten Tomatoes scores will be listed on specific movie page though and not on the main pages of the app where you can browse through the different content. If a movie has been rated by at least five top critics and has a 75-percent score or higher than it should have the new rating icon next to it.

That said what you will find on the main page is the bottom navigation bar. With this you can easily jump around to different tabs of the app, with the “home” page being the first page you see when you open up the app as well as the main page you’ll go back to for finding something new to watch. The other two tabs will be for your library which will contain all of the movie and TV content that you have either purchased or rented, and the watch list tab which will show you any movies or TV shows which you’ve essentially saved to a favorites list so that you can go back and find them later, perfect for making sure you don’t forget to watch the content even if you forget what the name was.

More changes also appear to be coming to the app at a later date. This may include a new page that will be accessible from the bottom bar called “guide,” and will possibly show content to users which is recommended by the app to watch. More than that though, it seems like the guide page may also include recommendation for external content like watching something through a different app or service, such as Netflix, HBO NOW, or other similar streaming services, though there is no telling when Google plans for this feature to go live.