Mobile Game Study Reveals Interesting Demographics & More

A new report released by Mediakix has some statistics to show with regard to the demographics of mobile gaming, as well as trends in spending and expected industry growth. There’s actually quite a lot of information revealed by the study but the company has provided a helpful infographic to break down some of the key figures. It should come as no surprise that the market is expected to hit a value of around $115 billion this year or that its expected to increase by $72 billion by 2020. Mobile gaming is already a $50 billion industry and its only March.

The demographics of who those gamers are is very interesting, especially when compared to some other studies that were recently completed. For example, another infographic from earlier this month – conducted by AppOptix for U.S. users- showed only a slight gap between how much time men and women spend on their mobile devices. That gap was only at around 6-percent, with men using their devices more. If those figures hold true, then it turns out women may be playing far more mobile games in that time than men. According to Mediakix, female gamers make up 63-percent of the total, with 60-percent playing every day. That’s as compared to 37-percent and 47-percent for males, respectively. Meanwhile, only 31-percent of men spend real money in games compared to a number that appears higher for women with that number being at 36-percent.

That may or may not need to be taken with a grain of salt, though, bearing in mind that Mediakix study was on the global scale. Figures for age demographics in mobile gaming do appear to be a bit different between sources. Mediakix, for example, says that of the 2.1 billion mobile gamers worldwide, the largest age group for gaming on smartphones at 38-percent is those aged 45-years or more. In the U.S., according to AppOptix, the 45 and older group plays the least. That same study showed that those aged 26 to 36 fell in with only slightly more play time per week, while this new study shows users between 25 and 34 as making up 19-percent of gamers. Some cohesiveness is there to be found, on the other hand, in the fact that both studies show that users under 26 make up the big chunk of mobile gamers. The new numbers place that group at around 22-percent, while the earlier reports showed that group to be the largest. Of course, those aren’t the only figures revealed by the study and the comparisons aren’t necessarily directly correlated. But the figures are well worth examning nonetheless. Anybody interested in learning more can check out the included infographic or head over to the source link below.