New Report Shows T-Mobile Customers Use The Most Data

T-Mobile has long boasted about how great its 4G LTE network is, and how it is continuing to improve it with all kinds of different technology. And now we can see the fruits of that labor with the latest report out of Strategy Analytics which shows how much data and WiFi customers use on each of the four major carriers, as well as broken down by data plan.

T-Mobile users use the most 4G LTE data, at just over 5GB per month, on average, with Verizon coming in second at 3.9GB, Sprint comes in just a hair lower at 3.9GB as well, and AT&T is last with 2.9GB. What’s interesting here is that while AT&T customers use the least data on average, they also use the least WiFi on average. Sprint customers use the most at 13.7GB per month, T-Mobile at 13.1GB, Verizon at 12.8GB and AT&T at 11.7GB of WiFi usage per month. Interesting to see the differences by carriers here, and when combined, T-Mobile users use the most data altogether. Followed by Sprint. This is likely because many millennials use Sprint and T-Mobile due to their price, compared to AT&T and Verizon.

When everything is broken down by plan type, it’s surprising to see that those with a data cap use just a tiny bit more WiFi than those on unlimited data. Those on a data cap use around 13GB of WiFi data, and 2.4GB of cellular data on average per month. For those that are pay as you go, that’s 7.9GB of WiFi and 1GB of cellular data. Finally for Unlimited Data customers, that’s 12.2GB of WiFi and 5.3GB of cellular data. It’s interesting to see such high WiFi usage on unlimited data plans, and such low data usage period on pay as you go. However, those pay as you go plans are typically used by older people (think of your parents or even grandparents). So that does explain quite a bit there. Still interesting to see the major differences here between the different plans and the people that use them.