SKEDit Can Schedule The Automated Sendng Of Messages

There’s an app on the Google Play Store called SKEDit that aims to make sending out time-sensitive messages through WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook Posts, and Email a much easier task. Sending out messages for business purposes or otherwise can be a daunting task when multiple copies of the same message need to be sent out to different people at different times. With SKEDit, it doesn’t have to be quite so difficult. The app is designed around an easy-to-use interface that lets users create messages or social media posts with the above-listed services any time they like and then set those to send out at a designated time. That should prove particularly useful for small businesses who need to send out messages to multiple clients who may all be in different time zones or have different availability schedules. However, it could really be used by anybody.

The software is fairly straightforward to use. After downloading the free app, users simply sign up or sign in with their email or Facebook account. Obviously, a Facebook account will need to be linked in order to use that portion of the features. Once logged in, users then simply select the service they’d like to use to send out a given message – or a time they’d like to schedule to make a phone call – and then fill in the content they want to send out and who that is going to. Finally, a date and time need to be selected and then SKEDit will automate the share or message without any further actions from the user. Of course, if the message is something that needs to repeat, users can also choose options for that. For messages that aren’t quite ready yet, a scheduled reminder can also be set instead of an automated send.

Taking all of that together, SKEDit effectively serves as an all-in-one automated messaging platform without the hassle of switching between various apps. However, this obviously doesn’t cover every available platform for reaching out to others and, indeed, at least one user has pointed out in the reviews that WhatsApp Business isn’t incorporated as of this writing. With that said, there’s not really anything stopping the developers from adding more services later and it would make sense to add WhatsApp Business. After all, this app is geared toward that audience first and foremost. Whether or not that happens remains to be seen but it’s difficult to argue with the range of options that’s already available since this is free. Anybody interested in checking it out on Android only needs to hit the Google Play Store button below.