Xiaomi India Mi Exchange Program Now Also Available Online

The Mi Exchange program Xiaomi India launched last November is now also available online, the company announced earlier this week. Consumers interested in obtaining a trade-in discount on a new Xiaomi-made device are hence able to do so from the comfort of their home, though the firm’s Mi Home stores will continue running the same promotion going forward. Anyone interested in taking advantage of the deal or just finding out how significant of a discount they can expect if they trade in their current device can explore the program by referring to the banner below.

Xiaomi’s official Mi Exchange website will prompt you to pick a device you want to exchange for a new Android smartphone from the company and will provide you with a quote based on its current market price and overall condition. Should the figure be to your liking, you’ll be able to instantly get a coupon code from the OEM that you can use during your online checkout to apply a discount to your purchase even before any physical exchange takes place. The firm associates individual discounts with IMEI numbers so as to avoid a scenario in which the same device is repeatedly used for making discounted purchases. The coupon code generated by the Mi Exchange program is only valid for fourteen days and cannot be used to cut the price of any non-smartphone products from the Chinese company; not even handset accessories are supported. While there’s no limit on the number of devices you can buy as part of the initiative, you aren’t able to make more than one purchase at a time, meaning you’ll only be able to trade-in your subsequent phone after your new one has already arrived and you handed the previous one to the company’s delivery person.

The move is likely to additionally popularize the already widespread program and help Xiaomi strengthen its position in the South Asian country which is presently its largest foreign market. The firm is currently said to be targeting an initial public offering in the second half of the year and may seek a valuation of up to $100 billion, according to recent reports.

Xiaomi Mi Exchange