The original Google Pixel and the Pixel XL smartphones are no longer for sale through the Google Store. It is not clear when the products were physically delisted although neither are now showing up on the Google Store’s main phone page, nor can they be found when using the store’s search feature. While this in itself does not constitute an official confirmation of the termination of the availability via the online store, TechRadar reports Google did confirm it is no longer offering either of the originals Pixel models through its online presence. As well as confirming this is a global store product removal and so will be in effect everywhere the original Pixels were previously available.
In spite of having now been superseded by the Pixel 2 and 2 XL, the original Pixel line were not necessarily old phones as they were only first announced in October of 2016. More pertinently, in spite of newer smartphones from Google and other manufacturers having come through, both of the 2016 models remained popular options and competitive products in terms of the specs and features they offered, as well as their support for running newer versions of Android, including the most recent developer preview of Android P.
While not necessarily the mostly widely available smartphones at the retail and carrier level, the Google Store was not the only place to go to pick up the original Pixels. Verizon, for example, was the carrier-partner for the two smartphones and still seems to be selling both models for those still in the market for one. Likewise, Amazon also still seems to have some stock. So while they have now been officially retired from the Google Store, they are still available. Although, in the grander scheme of things for how long they remain at these third-party sale points remains to be seen considering this is a very clear indication Google is not interested in selling any more. Of course, those in the market for the most up-to-date Google smartphone experience will likely want to opt for the newer Pixel 2 and 2 XL, or wait until later in the year when the already speculated upon Pixel 3 line is set to debut. That is, if Google does not announce a new mid-range Pixel smartphone in the meantime.
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