New Lawsuit Claims Samsung Violated Data Security Patents

A new series of lawsuits brought on by PACid Technologies has been filed in Texas, asserting that Samsung violated at least three patents pertaining to data encryption. The encryption-related research firm claims that the tech giant infringed on patents pertaining to biometrics, Samsung PASS, and Samsung KNOX. The primary concern, however, seems to be Samsung’s biometrics security features such as the fingerprint reader, face scanning, and iris scanning Samsung has included. According to the company, the encryption method used in those is a violation of its patents. Two of those patents had been filed in the U.S. and another had been filed in Samsung’s home country of South Korea, according to the April 6 complaint.

Meanwhile, at least six of Samsung’s devices over the past few years are named in that allegation – include each variation on the company’s Galaxy S6, Galaxy S7, and Galaxy S8. PACid Technologies has alleged that it is entitled to a monetary award for damages “adequate to compensate” for the infringement or, at very least a reasonable royalty payment. Interestingly, the company has not proffered any alleged amounts for which it has lost out. That could be seen in a couple of ways. Opponents of the suit will likely point to that omission as a sign that this is a return to the patent wars that were once common in the mobile industry. PACid is likely to assert that it is difficult to determine total losses since no bargaining or discussion has been had about licensing. Reaching a determination about whether or not there actually has been any kind of violation would be an act of futility at this point.

Representatives for Samsung have not made any public comments on the lawsuit. The company is no stranger to these types of cases and will most likely hold off on issuing statements until the case is accepted by the court and moves forward. It wouldn’t be unusual for the case to be dismissed or settled before ever going to trial. So, for now, everybody is just going to have to wait to see if the Texas Eastern District Court chooses to proceed with deliberations.