Google Buys Up Cloud Migration Startup Velostrata

Migrating data and operations to and from cloud environments nimbly and at scale is a nightmarish undertaking, so web giant Google has decided to step in and help its Google Cloud Platform customers with the task by buying out Velostrata, a startup out of Israel whose specialty is just that. Velostrata has created a large suite of tools and resources that are made to help organizations get their resources and workloads in and out of the cloud as painlessly as possible, up to and including full virtualization of workloads, and now Google Cloud Platform customers will have access to that suite of tools and resources. In the modern web and software development sphere, agility can mean the difference between a well-oiled machine of a company and a single server crash causing untold damage, so this acquisition is a big deal for Google Cloud Platform subscribers.

Velostrata’s toolset will allow Google Cloud Platform customers the freedom to actually use the Google Cloud Platform that they’re paying for as a main workflow component, or even the place where all of the work happens, with the resulting product and cold storage being held locally.  This change will instantly increase the agility of all Google Cloud Platform customers exponentially, making it practically effortless for them to jump between local machines and cloud services for all sorts of workloads. The changes haven’t taken effect just yet, since the acquisition is still closing, but once the dust settles, Google Cloud Platform customers should be able to find the entire Velostrata toolkit at their fingertips and ready to adapt their workloads and resources.

Google Cloud Platform is already great for training AI models and serving files and services to clients, and now companies can easily do development, administrative work, database work, writing, and more, all without a single server on site. This is a capability that is sorely lacking in Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services at the moment. Since those two are Google’s key rivals in the cloud services department, especially in the enterprise space, it is actually safe to say that this acquisition could be the game changer that puts Google at the top of the heap and turns Google Cloud Platform into a household name of sorts among IT staff across tons of companies. Essentially, somebody with an idea for a business model and a bit of capital can now use Google Cloud Platform to test the waters using whatever hardware they have lying around, then transition to local hardware whenever they please with absolutely no issue.