Google Maps Platform Brings New Industry Solutions

The newly-announced Google Maps Platform is bringing new industry solutions to the business side of Google Maps. The platform was officially announced on May 2 with Google highlighting that the platform builds on the Google Maps API features for games that were announced in March, by introducing solutions that are tailored to ride-sharing businesses and asset tracking businesses. Both new industry solutions will likely enhance the experience for end users by way of the inclusion of Google’s new solutions by the developers of apps that fit into these categories.

For ride-sharing apps and services one notable benefit is the ability to embed the nav experience from Maps right into the app UI. Google states that this will help optimize things for both the drivers and the rider. One example of this could be improved navigation for the driver when following directions to a pickup, while the rider could see improved tracking of the vehicle as it’s on route. For asset tracking companies the new solutions can help enhance the capability to track vehicles and assets in real-time. Google says more industry solutions are on the way as it seeks out industries where it has the experience to deliver insight, but it does not mention any industries specifically.

Other improvements that Google has introduced as part of the Google Maps Platform include a new pricing plan tier which allows developers access to the first $200 of monthly usage of these new solutions and services at no cost, as well as a scalable setup that is able to grow along with the business to fit the needs of each business individually and make the experience more personable and unique to each business. All of these new solutions should already be available for businesses in these industries and, it;’ worth noting that Google is going to require a valid API key and Google Cloud Platform billing account by June 11 to utilize the core products, which include the solutions mentioned above.