Klashwerks' Raven Connected Car System Available On Amazon

Interested consumers can now purchase Raven, a smart device for vehicles, from Amazon. Klashwerks, the manufacturer of Raven, claims that the device is capable of detecting accidents and break-ins. Raven sports both cabin-facing and front-facing cameras which allow the user to monitor the events taking place inside and in front of the vehicle, and through the use of incorporated sensors, the device is also capable of automatically informing users of events within the vehicle like damages and burglary. In addition, upon detecting a possible break-in, the device will automatically transmit a live stream video of the vehicle to the car owner, which they can view remotely through their smartphones. The device also records a 1080p video clip, which the car owner could use for insurance purposes, and the manufacturer also stated that drivers may use gestures to automatically save video clips to their smartphones. There are two displays incorporated into the Raven, which the manufacturer claims should make it easier for drivers to see important information like direction, speed, fuel levels, and distance to the destination.

Meanwhile, the Raven application, which can now be downloaded from the Google Play Store, allows users to monitor their vehicles remotely through their mobile devices. Through the app, car owners can obtain information regarding the fuel levels, current speed, and the location of the vehicle. In addition, the app also notifies the user of possible vehicle problems, the severity of the detected issues, and its typical causes. Users may keep track of all their recent trips through the Driving History feature of the app, while Trip Cards functionality provides detailed information including the amount of fuel consumed, driving speed records, and unexpected events that took place during the trip. To protect the privacy of its users, the manufacturer noted that Raven utilizes secure cloud storage and it also utilizes the TLS 1.2 protocol for secure transfer of data.

Interested consumers may purchase the Raven smart device from the website of online retailer Amazon for $299. This comes with three months of free LTE connectivity, and after the first three months, users have the option to subscribe to the manufacturer’s no-contract service plans.

Buy Klashwerks' Raven Connected Car System