The Facebook news feed is going to be getting a Keyword Snooze feature at some point in the future. The social network company is currently testing out the new tool, which will allow users to have more control over what they see in their news feed on a daily basis. As Facebook describes it this is a way users will be able to avoid seeing spoilers for certain things they may want to be surprised by, so in essence this could be used to avoid spoilers for movies and other media content, like TV shows.
A keyword snooze lasts for 30 days which is a fairly long time and likely long enough that users will be able to sidestep anything they may not want to see in the meantime. Just like with snoozing a particular post from a specific page or person, the keyword snooze feature is located in the three dot menu located in the top right corner of a post. You’ll be able to see a handful of different keywords that are contained in that post, and once you hit snooze the post you were just interacting with as well as any future posts which contain those keywords will be hidden from your news feed for the duration of the snooze time frame.
Since this is just in testing at the moment it’s not rolling out as an accessible feature that most users will have access to. Facebook also doesn’t mention specifically if it is simply testing the feature internally or if it’s testing the feature with actual users outside of the company. Snoozed keywords will block posts for the 30-day duration from any page that has those words in the text, whether it’s a group page, event page, personal page, or business page, letting users stay free and clear of specific content, and thus helping users have a better experience with the Facebook news feed.