Google Home Can Now Look Up Tasty Recipes And Help You Cook

Google has just announced a new Google Home functionality (applies to the Google Home Mini as well, by the way) for all those of you who like cooking. If you’re often looking up Tasty recipes, well, you can now do it via Google Home, all you have to say is “Hey Google, cook with Tasty”, and Google Home will realize what you’re trying to do and will hook you up with some Tasty recipes. This is a US only feature, at least for now, though, so keep that in mind.

Google has announced Google Home Tasty integration via its ‘Made by Google’ Twitter account, and along with the caption, the company also shared a gif image. So, how will it work? Well, pretty much as you’d expect, you will be able to ask Google Home for some recipes, and Google Assistant will look them up for you, and will basically navigate you through cooking via Google Home’s speaker. You will probably be able to ask for somewhat specific recipes, though Google did not release an official video regarding all this, so we’re only assuming how will it all look like, of course. It is possible that Google plans to release some more content regarding all this in the near future, though so stay tuned for that.

Google has been adding new functionality to the Google Home since it launched back in November 2016, and it seems like the Google Home sales have been on point for the company. According to a report which surfaced back in May, the Google Home shipments have increased 709 percent in Q1 2018, most likely thanks to the extremely affordable Google Home Mini. Smart speakers are actually expected to grow even more moving forward, though it will be interesting to see when will they peak, and what’s next step for Google, as the Google Home Mini offers most of Google Home’s functionality, and it costs a lot less, so the company will really have to come up with something great in order to beat the Google Home Mini sales.