Rez Creators To Launch 'Tetris Effect' For PS4 & PSVR This Fall

The creators of Rez Infinite (available on the Daydream platform) and Lumines have announced that they will be launching a new game called ‘Tetris Effect’ for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR this Fall, giving players the opportunity to experience what is being touted as a visual and audio sensory experience in a game that is unlike any have played before. Though the game is named after a phenomenon that was discovered by way of people playing the original Tetris, the game is not necessarily an official new entry into the Tetris series. The game is not just titled after the phenomenon of the same name, the Tetris Effect, but also inspired by it. The Tetris Effect was revealed in a study which found that people who played Tetris for a long period of time (in the case of the people who took part in the study, for seven hours) continued to see the falling blocks that are synonymous with Tetris hours after they finished playing.

This new game will seek to induce the same kind of experience but amp things up with everything from sound to colors to interesting graphical imagery, and with it coming to PlayStation VR this means gamers will get to immerse themselves in this new experience that is likely to be quite a spectacle all on its own with a TV screen and a standard game controller.

Tetris Effect will have plenty of the same elements as other Tetris games. This means stacking blocks in succession and trying to clear rows, but there will be newly added looks to the blocks and newly added modes that will seek to give players a new and exciting experience along with the color and vibrancy. It’s stated that several new modes will be added to the game, though it will also include popular favorites like Marathon mode, Ultra mode, and Sprint mode. If you’ve played Tetris games in the past you’re likely already familiar with these and may be bursting with excitement at the idea of playing them in a new fashion. If you’re curious about the new modes, details are to be shared later on in the Summer, followed by an eventual Fall-time release of the game on PlayStation 4 with support for the PlayStation VR as mentioned above. At the moment there is no mention of a release on any other platform, so this may end up a Sony PlayStation 4 exclusive title. There are over 30 different stages each with unique backdrops, animations, sounds, and other visual aspects, and that’s in addition to the various modes of play. Puzzle fans appear to have a lot to look forward to with this one.