18% Of American Adults Own A Smart Speaker, Report Claims

NPR and Edison Research released a new report, called ‘The Smart Audio Report’, which focuses on the differences between first adopters and people who have owned their smart speakers for more than a year. This report reveals that about 18-percent of American adults, or about 43 million people, now own a smart speaker. This survey is based on 909 adults, it was conducted between May 21 and June 1 this year. and ownership actually spreads evenly across a number of age groups, though age groups between 45 and 54 (24-percent), 35 and 44 (21-percent), and 55+ (22-percent) have two-thirds of the market share it seems. Age groups between 25 and 23, and 18 and 24 managed to grab 18-percent and 15-percent of the market in this case.

This report also reveals that 54-percent of smart speaker owners are women, and that applies to both first adopters and people who have owned smart speakers in the past. Not only are they women, but most of them are older. Now, when it comes to usage of Google Home and Alexa-powered speakers, the report states that about quarter of users listen to podcasts using a smart speaker, while more than a third use them to control IoT devices. Furthermore, about 45-percent of users use smart speakers to listen to the radio, while the most popular uses for smart speakers are playing music (90-percent), for search queries (84-percent), and checking the weather (83-percent).

The report reveals that 22 percent of first adopters, and 38 percent of people who owned a smart speaker in the past, opted to buy it in order to reduce their screen on time with gadgets like smartphones. Another interesting fast found in the report is that more than a million people purchased a smart speaker in a single month, counting the whole last season. There is plenty more info included in the report itself, which is quite long, as both NPR and Edison Research wanted to be thorough, so if you want to access the whole report, simply follow the source link down below. Smart speakers have been around for a while now, and it seems like interest in such devices is growing, and low price points may have something to do with that. Smart speakers are still most-used in the US, though it remains to be seen what will happen in the near future, as such devices are not even available in some regions.