Instagram is testing a feature that Facebook actually used when it launched. That is grouping students by school. According to a report out of CNBC, Instagram is currently testing this new College Community Feature, and it would help students find other students on class-based lists. This could really help students meet new people and find friends on Instagram as they are making the transition to College. After all, college-aged students are the biggest demographic for Instagram, so this makes plenty of sense for Instagram.
The network will begin by prompting users to join a college community and “connect with other students.”After the user has opted into the community, the user’s university and their graduating year will be added to their profile. It also grants access to class-based lists of other students who have also opted in. Now this is class-based as in those graduation from that same University in the same year, not all of the students in a specific math class that semester, Instagram is not getting that granular here. Instagram will allow users to direct message other users in that class, as well as watch a user’s public Story, straight from the community list.
Facebook launched as a place that was only for college students and then it opened up to high school students, before opening to everyone over 13 years old a few years later. Facebook used to have communities for different schools and even regions. It made it easy to connect with people in your area, and also easy to find out who was in your class when making the transition to college. A few years ago, Facebook decided to get rid of those communities, though you can still include your location and schools in your profile – which direct to their Facebook page, if there is one. And now it looks like Instagram is trying to replicate that feature. Which makes sense, seeing as Instagram is Facebook’s way of bringing in new users, as they are more reluctant to use Facebook’s core product.