MoviePass Adds More Restrictions As New Plan Goes Live

Today MoviePass activated its new subscription plan, and in doing so it’s become clear not all of the finer details had been previously made public. For example, the new MoviePass plan comes with added restrictions on the movies a subscriber can see on a particular day, and in some cases, the showtimes they can go to – this is different to the Peak Pricing method previously in use.

The new information has come to light thanks to emails that are currently being sent out to subscribers detailing the changes. The most important one to note is that in addition to only being able to see three movies each month, MoviePass is restricting the choice of movies that a subscriber can actually choose from in the first place. So not only is this no longer an unlimited plan, but it’s not even unlimited in terms of choice. For example, MoviePass is limiting the selection of available movies to between 6-7 each day. To add to this, the movies are subject to change on a daily basis. Meaning that although there will be roughly seven movies to choose from, the movies available today might not necessarily be available tomorrow. To lessen the impact of this change MoviePass says “film selections will be published at least a week in advance.” Originally, it was expected the monthly cost of a MoviePass subscription would jump from $9.95 to $14.95, although the company retreated on a price increase after saying it had listened to feedback from its customers.

With the new plan having now gone live, current subscribers will need to immediately start checking what movies are available if they plan to go to the theater in the coming days. The current list of movies is live now on the MoviePass website and shows the daily movie options available for today, and how they change on a daily basis leading up to August 26. Although it’s worth current subscribers keeping in mind that MoviePass additionally recommends subscribers double-check on the day they plan to see a certain movie, as “showtime availability may be limited depending on the popularity of those films” on any given day. For reference, these changes are specifically related to those who book through the app with e-ticketing understood to be unaffected. The current list of available movies can be accessed through this link.