MoviePass is reportedly automatically converting subscribers who have canceled their subscription to its new plan while at the same time making it increasingly more difficult to cancel a subscription. This comes from multiple MoviePass customers who have voiced their concerns on social media at what they see as intentional measures by the movie-based service.
MoviePass had previously announced it was introducing a new plan which supersedes its existing plan, and offers the option to see three movies each month for the price the previous “unlimited” plan offered. As this was effectively a lesser deal than what was offered before, some users inevitable decided to cancel their subscription before the new plan was set to take effect. However, a number of those customers are noting on social media how they have now received an email from MoviePass confirming they have been opted-in to the new plan. While this could just be a clerical error, the email does clearly make the point that if the customer had previously cancelled their subscription, this new opt-in email overrides that cancellation. Leading to the clear suggestion those previous cancellations no longer count.
On a different, but related note, other users on social media are now noting how they have been trying to cancel their subscription — again before the new plan takes effect on August 15 — only to have the system “fail” during the process. Needless to say, those who had already canceled and who have gotten the new email message also seem to be encountering the ‘inability to cancel’ issue as well. While these two issues might be just teething issues they conveniently fall in favor of MoviePass by keeping subscribers who have made active moves to cancel, as subscribers. Considering this is a service that is understood to be under heavy pressure to generate short-term revenue, many of the customers on social media are viewing these issues as orchestrated moves by MoviePass. Similar criticisms were leveled at the business very recently when it introduced its new “Peak Pricing” format. Examples of the two current issues can be seen below, although there are plenty more to choose from on social media with the number of users reporting the same two issues increasing every hour.
tried to cancel @MoviePass but MoviePass had other ideas i guess
so now i’m locked into “endless support” but still getting a deal on movies so 🙃
— Byrd Pinkerton (@byrdala) August 13, 2018
Just an FYI, if you cancelled your MoviePass subscription, you may want to check it just case. I cancelled my subscription, but was re-enrolled and now get an error message when I try to cancel.
— Lindsey Willis (@lndzwillis) August 13, 2018