Changing wallpapers on smartphones is one of the simplest, and most commonly used way to customize a handset, and the vast majority of smartphone users do it from time to time, some more than others. Due to that fact, there are tons of wallpaper applications available in the Google Play Store, and many of them are quite good. Considering there are so many of them, many of them probably don’t have the time nor the willpower to browse through the Play Store and filter through them, well, that’s why we’re here for, we’ve hand-picked 10 great wallpaper applications that you may be interested in, and have listed all of them down below, Do note that these apps are not listed in any specific order, just because an app is at the top of the list does not mean it’s better than the others, or anything of the sort. Having said that, feel free to check the list, and see if you’re interested in any of these apps, as there’s an app for everyone down there, pretty much, no matter if you’re looking for general wallpapers, OLED ones, or perhaps you’re looking for something girly.
Google Wallpapers
As many of you probably already know, Google has its very own wallpapers application that is available in the Play Store. This app is really good, many would say it’s not exactly the best out there due to the content, but this app does contain some really interesting wallpapers that may appeal to you. You will actually find a collection of images from Google Earth, Google+, and other partners of the app, amongst other content.
Google Wallpapers (Play Store)
Wallify is a beautifully-designed wallpaper application which not only has a large collection of wallpapers, but some additional options as well. Every wallpaper gets filtered by the Wallify team, and all of the wallpapers included here are high-definition images. This app has the auto wallpaper changer option, which is not something many apps have, while you can browse through wallpapers based on categories, or you can simply scroll through latest and most popular walls… while a general search is included as well, of course.
Much like Wallify, Wallp app also brings a really simple, and nice design, which puts all the focus on the wallpapers themselves, as it should be. This app actually allows you to crop wallpapers, just in case you don’t like the way they look or you’d like to get the alignment just right. There are a ton of categories here that you can browse through, while these are all high definition wallpapers, as they have been filtered before the company made them available.
Zedge is quite probably the best-known app on this list, as it has been around for a long, long time, and in addition to a ton of wallpapers, this app also brings ringtones to the table. You will find both regular wallpapers and live wallpapers available via this application, while the app also allows you to customize wallpapers that you find by including stickers. You can save your favorite wallpapers within the app, for easy access, or you can apply / download them to your phone.
Girly Wallpapers
Girly Wallpapers is an app that will cater to those of you who are in search for girly wallpapers, as its name says. This app is quite popular with the female population, though there are all sorts of images included here, so as long as you like cute wallpapers, this app may be worth installing. There are over 10,000 high-quality wallpapers included in this application, including wallpapers that are specially made for smartphone lockscreens.
Backdrops is an app that is considerably different to any other app that we’ve listed here, as it contains exclusive designs, wallpapers that you will not find anywhere else but within this application. You can upload your own wallpaper to the app, and if it gets approved, it will be featured in this application. New wallpapers are being added daily, while you can unlock the Pro version of the app to get access to some extra content, and also remove ads at the same time.
Walli is also an app that is quite popular in the Play Store, and for a good reason. Not only does it sport really flat, and nice-to-look-at design, but it brings a ton of HD wallpapers that are definitely worth the look. This app is sharing wallpapers from various artists around the world, so chances are you will find some unique wallpapers in this app, wallpapers that are not featured elsewhere, while there are a ton of categories to browse through.
Much like some other apps on this list, Papers is an app that puts a huge focus on the UI design, and it does a great job at that. The developer adds new wallpapers to this application on a daily basis, and it has a huge collection of high definition images as it is. You can rate every wallpaper that you stumble upon, while you can upload your own wallpapers as well. Similar to all the other apps, there are categories that you can browse through, while the app also allows you to share, save, crop, or blur wallpapers before applying them to your device.
Minimalist Wallpapers
Minimalist Wallpapers app, as its name says, brings us a collection of minimalist wallpapers. There are many people out there that prefer such wallpapers, and if you’re one of them, this is a perfect app for you. There are over 2,500 minimalist wallpapers included in this application, and new wallpapers are being added on a daily basis. All the wallpapers here are high definition, while this app is completely free to use, even though ads are a part of the experience.
Minimalist Wallpapers (Play Store)
Black Wallpaper
If you own a smartphone with an AMOLED display, and would like not only to find a wallpaper that suits that display perfectly, but would also like to save up some battery along the way, well, the Black Wallpaper app may be just right for you. Inside this app, you will find wallpapers that are made for AMOLED displays, as they are basically really dark, though there are tons of different designs included here, so there’s plenty to choose from.