Samsung has launched a brand-new dating app and service called Refrigerdating that steps well outside of the box and brings a complete shift away from a lot of food-related innuendo you might be familiar with. As its name implies, at its most basic, the application is intended to help owners of Samsung’s IoT-connected Family Hub Refrigerator find love based on what’s in their fridge.
To that end, the dating app will provide users with ‘matches’ based on what’s in their own fridge and users can choose to meet up with or dismiss matches similarly to how other dating apps work.
The Refrigerdating app is available for download on the smart refrigerator or online and pictures can be snapped using that appliance’s inward facing camera or with a smartphone, so users can sign up whether they own the fridge or not.
You are what you eat
The premise of the new service isn’t necessarily unfounded since the contents and state of a person’s food storage can give away quite a few quirks of their personality. A clean, organized fridge says something completely different about a person as compared to a refrigerator that’s unkempt. The types of food can be equally telling since they may indicate how a person values health and other aspects of their lives.
One obvious example is how useful Refrigerdating could be to those users who are entirely against eating meats or other animal products. If those users don’t want to date somebody who disagrees, using the app could help circumvent possible problems before they really become problems. Conversely, it could stand as a way for singles to broaden their horizons and explore tastes and cultures that differ from their own.
Samsung rounds out those points in favor of the somewhat ridiculous-sounding concept by pointing out that food can serve as a great icebreaker for a conversation with new people. The Korean tech giant suggests that users could strike up a discussion by pointing out how the food seen in other users’ refrigerators reminds them of a fond or unique memory.
Quirky but somehow familiar
While it may be uncomfortable for some users, Samsung suggests that those who do sign up for its service don’t spend too much time trying to alter the interior of their fridge before getting started. Users should also avoid only looking for refrigerators with contents that match up with their own. Variety is, after all, the spice of life.
That’s good advice for any dating app since almost nobody wants to date themselves and nobody likes meeting up with somebody only to discover they don’t match their online profile. But those aren’t the only ways Samsung has made its new dating app similar to others either.
Additional metrics used to create matches include age, gender, and location as well as associated preferences, which users are required to enter alongside their name and a fridge photo. Interacting with possible matches requires a Tinder-like swipe left or right. Swiping left dismisses the match while swiping right moves the possible relationship-building process forward.