Nova Launcher 6.0 Brings Improved Settings Layout & Much More

Nova Launcher has been updated to version 6.0, which is a new major update for one of the most popular Android launchers. The developer, Cliff Wade, has released a full changelog via Google+, while he also provided an APK download for those of you who do not want to wait for the update to arrive via the Play Store.

As far as chances are concerned, there’s much to talk about here. Nova Launcher 6.0 brings an improved settings menu layout, as dock options are now a part of “Desktop” settings in the launcher, while a more intuitive settings hierarchy has been included. These are only some of the changes you will notice in Nova’s settings.

Nova settings are now searchable for faster parsing, while more adaptive icon options are available, including a new customizable shape, notes the developer. You now also have an option to automatically match folder and app drawer icon size to the desktop, if you want, which allows you to standardize Nova’s look, in a way.

Cliff Wade has also added new window styles in folders, while folder background shapes now share the same options as adaptive icons (round, squircle, and so on). You can now stylize the app drawer search bar, like you can on the desktop, while the search bar provider can be set to Google or Nova Settings by default.

The developer has also added vertical or horizontal scrolling options for folders, while icon resizing no longer requires you to have Nova Prime, even though Nova Prime still brings you a ton of additional options, same as before. If you’re unwilling to wait for an update to arrive via the Play Store, you can download Nova Launcher 6.0 via the first link provided down below, and if you want to become a beta tester for the app, you can opt-in via the second link below.

Nova Launcher Has Been Around For Ages

Nova Launcher is one of the most popular launchers for Android, if not the most popular one. Nova Launcher has been around for a long, long time, and it has been downloaded way over 50 million times by Android users. The launcher has over 1.1 million ratings in the Google Play Store, and it is currently holding a 4.6-star rating. This launcher is well-known for being one of the most stable and reliable third-party launchers available in the Play Store.

This is the first major update to Nova Launcher since December 2016, when the Nova Launcher 5.0 arrived. There have been a number of updates since then, of course, but not a major version update. Back in December 2016, Nova Launcher actually celebrated its fifth birthday, the launcher has been around since 2011, which means that at this point in time, Nova Launcher is way over 7 years old.

It remains to be seen what will Nova Launcher’s next step be, but Cliff Wade will probably wait for Android Q in order to release some new, major features for the launcher. That doesn’t mean we won’t see updates come in the meantime, though, of course. In any case, if you’re interested in trying out / updating Nova Launcher, all the necessary links are included below.