Sensory has published some new app-related insights for the US market. The company listed top 10 social media applications in the States for the first quarter of 2019, and by “top”, Sensory means “top downloaded” applications.
As you can see in the provided image down below, apps have been separated into three columns. “Overall Downloads” refer to apps from both iOS and Android combined, while separate listings for “App Store” and “Google Play” downloads are included in that image as well. If you are interested in checking out the “Overall” or App Store” sections feel free to do so, but we’ll focus on Android applications, of course.
As far as Android is concerned, it seems like Chinese media creator TikTok has been the most popular app around in the first quarter of the year, at least as far as the US is concerned. That may surprise some of you, but TikTok has seen quite a rise in popularity as of late, following its explosion in China several years back. For those of you who aren’t aware, TikTok is basically an app for sharing really short video clips, this app had been launched back in September 2016, and it is now a leading short video platform in both Asia and the US.
Two Facebook-owned applications are following TikTok, Instagram and Facebook. Instagram has been quite popular all over the globe for a long time now, so it’s not exactly surprising that it’s still rating so high in term of downloads. Facebook, on the other hand, may be a surprise to some of you. Facebook is still the largest social media application in the world, and even though younger generations prefer using some other social media applications (or at least it seems like it), Facebook is still immensely popular.
Snapchat and Pinterest have found their way to this list as well, as they’re the fourth and fifth most downloaded app in the US, at least as far as Android is concerned. Snapchat has seen a slight drop in popularity over the last year or so, but it seems like that did not affect it all that much, as people are still downloading it quite a bit. Pinterest is somewhat surprising as well, as it seemed like the service managed to get out of the spotlight a while back, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Pinterest is rating high in the US as far as downloads are concerned.
Twitter is sixth-placed on this list, which may surprise some of you, as Twitter is generally quite popular in the States. This app is usually ranking higher, in the top three, but it seems like things are a bit different this time around. Discord managed to find its way to the list as well, as it is listed right below Twitter, while Twitch, LinkedIn and LIKE Video are occupying the last three spots on this list.
Some of you probably haven’t heard of “LIKE Video”, but that app managed to become immensely popular as of late. LIKE Video is an app and community at the same time, and it allows you to create rather interesting videos, as it offers 300+ special effects, amongst other features.
There you have it, these were the most popular Android applications in the US in the first quarter of the year, at least as far as downloads are concerned. There sure are some surprises here, but most of you probably could have named most of these applications, even though guessing their exact order is a bigger challenge.