Get Lucky And Grab Free VPN Accounts From PureVPN

We often find ourselves finding free stuff on the Internet. In fact, we even go as far as giving away our personal information while filling out online forms, so we can get our hands on free giveaways.

Well, exposing our personal details to all the freemium websites or services, we come across, can put our privacy at serious risk. Therefore, we should pay extra caution when it comes to our online privacy and security.

Talking about online privacy and freemium, PureVPN has an amazing deal that you would probably haven’t heard of ever before. The leading service provider in the industry is offering up to 12 1-month VPN accounts, worth $131.4, for free.

Should You Be Interested in Free Premium-VPN Accounts?

When we talk about virtual private networks, the topic that immediately comes to mind is our privacy on the Internet. Believe it or not, it is in a dire situation.

Online privacy is slowly but gradually becoming a thing of the past. After all, we never had data retention laws before. We never had government agencies tinkering with malware to spy on its people. Though, they did to some extent but not openly and extensively as they do now.

Well, it is not just the country or a nation that is trying to come up with anti-privacy laws such as data retention and monitoring and global surveillance. We also have to worry about other entities who are as keen to get their hands on our personal details. Take, for instance, advertisement agencies that use cookies, trackers, and other micro technologies to learn about our behavior, interest, and such.

Apart from privacy, cyber-attacks are also the threats we usually have to fear when we go online.

Malware is growing at an exponential rate, with new variants popping up on the Internet in every 3 seconds. Likewise, cyber threats like DDoS attacks and ransomware attacks are unusually on the rise as compared to the last decade.

In such times of needs, owing a reliable VPN service can keep us safe against such problems to a great extent. And, things become even more favorable when we have a premium service available for free.

Aside from privacy and security, a VPN can serve a great number of other useful purposes. For starters:

  • It allows you to unblock websites as well as applications that are not available in your country. For example, users can easily stream American Netflix’s content from any part of the globe with a VPN. Likewise, users in countries that have banned WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram, Skype, or any other applications can easily get access to them with a VPN.
  • VPNs can also be used to save significant cost on car rentals, hotel bookings as well as airline tickets. They can do so simply by changing their location.
  • The tool is also used by online gamers to either play blocked games in their region or buy games ahead of other countries.

Well, that is just the tip of the iceberg. If you research more on the tool, you will find out how versatile it can be.

How Can I Get 12 Free 1-Month VPN Accounts?

A leading, Hong Kong-based, VPN service provider, PureVPN, is currently running Buy One and Gift Twelve (B1G12) deal. As it says, you can get free invites of 12 1-month plans for the price of one.

The deal is the part of the VPN service’s 12th-anniversary celebration, which happens to fall this month. To celebrate their milestone, the premium VPN service provider is giving away 12 1-month plans to their new and existing subscribers. Each 1-month plan costs $10.95, and when you multiply it with 12, you get a dozen of free accounts that worth $131.4.

If you hurry now, you can buy VPN and get a whopping 70% off on their yearly account that is available at $39.96.