Samsung is commemorating the upcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympics with a special ‘Olympic Games Edition Galaxy S10+‘ that it will be launching later on this year. Samsung is no stranger to launching Olympic Edition devices from its lineup and it’ll continue to carry that torch with its most recent flagship smartphone.
However, it will be available in limited quantities and most people aren’t likely to have the opportunity to get their hands on one. The reason for this is because Samsung is launching this special edition device in the Japanese market in partnership with major Japanese telecom NTT docomo.
The phone will be available in a limited Prism White color scheme and like past Olympic Edition Galaxy phones, such as the Winter Olympics Edition of the Galaxy Note 8, it’ll have the Olympic Games logo on the back.
In addition to the phone with the logo Samsung is launching a special Olympic Games Edition pair of Galaxy Buds alongside it which will have the logo printed on top of the charging case, and they’ll come in the same color so both the phone and the earbuds will match in terms of design.
Previous versions of Samsung’s Olympic Edition Galaxy devices were given out to those competing in the event, and while that may still be true here, it seems the only way to get one as a consumer is to live in Japan or be in Japan with an active docomo account at the time the device is going up for reservation.
According to NTT docomo’s promotional page for the device, reservation is needed to actually purchase the phone and there will be a limited number of reservation opportunities, of which are listed as having gone live on May 16.
These devices won’t be sold in physical retail stores as docomo states the only way to place a reservation leading up to the purchase is through the docomo online shop. This means you’ll need to have a docomo account login to enter the online shop and to have a login you likely have to be a customer of the service.
For anyone that fits that bill the phone will cost a total of 114,696 Japanese Yen which is just over $1,000 USD. This price includes the matching Galaxy Buds, though based on the information on docomo’s website it will only be presenting those as a gift to customers who sign up to reserve the Olympic Games Edition Galaxy S10+ as well as purchase it, and do so within the designated time frame.
Since reservations have already started any existing docomo customers should be able to log into their docomo account through online shop and make reservations to buy the phone, and they’ll have until May 31 which is the ending of the Advance Reservation Period.
Following the Advance Reservation Period the Purchase Period will begin on June 1 and continue on until June 16, with the Application Period going until June 23.
The actual sale date for the device for anyone else that didn’t place a reservation appears to be starting at the end of July 2019, so making a reservation is the fastest way to get a hold of the phone for the docomo customers that are planning to pick it up.