How To Set An Alarm With Google Home

Google Home and other Google Assistant smart speakers (and smart displays) are pretty good for things like alarms, playing music and so forth. But how exactly do you set an alarm on your Google Home smart speaker and/or smart display? Well it’s actually pretty simple, but if you aren’t sure how to do it, we have it all laid out for you down below.

How To Set An Alarm With Google Home

It only takes a single command to set an alarm on your Google Home device. Simply say “Hey Google, set an alarm for 6 tomorrow morning” and Google will then set an alarm for 6AM tomorrow morning. However, this is going to be a one-time alarm. You can also cancel that alarm if you wish, by simple stating “Hey Google, cancel my alarm for 6”.

Now if you are looking to set a recurring alarm, simply say “Hey Google, set an alarm for 7am every day”, or something along those lines. Google Assistant will then set an alarm to wake you up at 7am every day. There are different variants that you can use for this command. If you want an alarm for the weekend only, you can say “Hey Google set an alarm for 8am every weekend” or something similar for during the week.

How To Snooze Your Google Home Alarm

Are you one of those that hits the snooze button, a lot? Well that is built into Google Home and Google Assistant as well. You can tell Google to snooze your alarm using the “Hey Google, snooze alarm” phrase and it’ll snooze for 10 minutes. If you want it for less or more, you can say “Hey Google, snooze alarm for 5 minutes” and so forth.

A few other commands that you can give to the Google Assistant with your alarm include asking Google for the time. You can simply say, “Hey Google, what time is it?” Or you can just tell Google to stop, and turn off your alarm, by saying “Hey Google, stop.”

Wrap Up

Setting an alarm using the Google Assistant is pretty easily, just ask the Assistant to set an alarm and you are basically good to go. It’s pretty simple and straightforward, which is always a good thing for users. Using the Google Home as your alarm is also pretty nice, as it can also play different tuns from Spotify, or Google Play Music, and you can adjust the volume.

Google Assistant is really good at a lot of things, and setting alarms is one of them. You can do it all, without even touching your phone, which is nice. On smart displays, it’s a bit easier, as all you need to do is tap on the display to find your alarm and set it, or turn it off. In fact, with the new Lenovo Smart Clock, you can simply tap the Smart Clock to turn it off. That right there is super helpful, when you are in bed, and aren’t quite awake yet but want it to stop ringing.