Six years ago, Edward Snowden revealed information that shook the US and the world. What once struck fear into society’s hearts was true – the US government spied on its people. That a government in a country known as the center of the free world could do such a thing shocked and scared people.
But within a few months, most people moved on with their lives. We became used to the new normal. Our presence online made it easy for the government to spy on us, and national security was a good enough excuse. Which is why many of us are very lax in our approach to privacy.
In recent years, virtual private networks (VPN) have become the most well-known way to protect ourselves against surveillance as well as identity theft. If you’re browsing the web without a VPN, you should take a look at the best VPNs for Chrome.
But do you really need a VPN? Here’s why a VPN is more important today than ever before.
Enemies of the Internet
As people increasingly acquire devices which can record everything they do, everywhere they go, and everything they say, it has become easier for governments to use the internet for their own means. Many governments around the world are now considered enemies of the internet. So even if you’re doing something as innocuous as watching free episodes of your favorite show, absolutely legally, you’re still being tracked.
In some countries, there is both surveillance and censorship. The government watches for certain online activity, with complex algorithms, as well as blocking many websites deemed to contravene certain regulations. If you think you’re safe because you don’t do anything suspicious, it is important to note that these algorithms are far from foolproof. They have led to serious mistakes in the past.
More Fear = More Surveillance
Whatever your stance on the risks of terrorism, immigration, and political sabotage, there’s no doubt these things have led to more public fear. Fear gives governments more excuses to increase surveillance and decrease liberties. Governments go to greater lengths to identify people deemed suspicious. Of course, it’s impossible for them to target only problematic people, and so everyone is under more scrutiny.
Even if you trust your government, there is way too big a chance that this data can fall into the wrong hands. A leak could be catastrophic, decimating civil liberties.
Global Manipulation
If there’s one thing we should have learned over the past few years, it’s that we are not nearly as independent in our thinking as we’d like to believe. Countries have interfered in each other’s politics by manipulating citizens through fake news stories, Facebook groups, and propaganda. They can do so more effectively than ever when they have access to our online activity.
The Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal proved just how ingeniously our data can be used to identify and target our weak spots. Companies have been involved in flaming racial unrest, political differences, and plain old fear.
By using the internet without a VPN, you’re making it easy for governments, companies, and hackers to follow everything you do online. There is all too much proof that this data is being used against you to continue being lax.