Typewise Keyboard Is Here With Odd Layout & Big Claims

If you’d like to try a completely new approach to typing, Typewise Keyboard may be just right for you. This is a new keyboard app available in the Google Play Store, and it sure has a different approach than your traditional Android keyboard.

This keyboard comes with a brand new layout that offers larger keys, but it takes some getting used to. It also relies quite a bit on gestures, so it’s a good thing that a tutorial is available once you launch it.

Now, the company behind it claims that every fifth word written on a smartphone is misspelled, and that information has been provided by a study conducted by Cambridge University and ETH Zurich.

Typewise Keyboard can help you reduce typos by 80-percent

Typewise Keyboard is actually expected to help with that. The company claims that the keyboard reduces typos by 80-percent (compared to Google Keyboard, Swiftkey, etc.), though you’ll need to get used to its new layout.

This application runs completely offline, by the way, as Typewise puts a huge emphasis on privacy. This application has been in a beta phase with over 20,000 users, and it’s not finally available for primetime. It’s available on both Android and iOS, by the way.

This keyboard comes with a patented ‘hexagon layout’, which you can check out in the provided images below. This layout makes the keys much wider, and easier to hit, says the developer. Ultimately, that is expected to help reduce typos by up to 80-percent.

This layout has been optimized for typing with two hands, two thumbs, in fact. Cambridge study claims that 74-percent of users who type this way can achieve the highest typing speed.

This keyboard currently supports over 40 languages, while the AI speaks English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish. The company will continue adding new languages.

Typewise Keyboard relies on swipe gestures for word capitalization and deletion, as that also reduces typos. If you swipe up on a specific letter, the keyboard will capitalize it. Swiping to the left anywhere on a keyboard will delete the last letter. If you do a longer swipe, you’ll start deleting more letters and words. You can simply stop and revert the process if you want, or raise your finger to complete the action.

This keyboard has been developed by Janis Berneker and David Eberle, two developers from Switzerland. This keyboard is currently free on both Android and iOS, but a paid version is also available.

Premium version of the app brings a ton of new features

If you decide to get a premium version of the keyboard, you’ll get many new features. You will get personalized word predictions, 13 additional themes, will be able to create your own text replacements, vibration will be enabled, and so on. Yes, vibration (haptic feedback) is not available in the free variant of the app, just a heads up.

If you’re interested in trying out Typewise, you can get it from the link below. If you’d like to get its premium features, you’ll need to pay $1.99/month or $9.49/year. A lifetime subscription is also available at $24.99. Do note that a 30-day free trial for premium subscription is available, though.

Download Typewise Keyboard (Play Store)

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